We were really glad to have found someone that's truly agnostic, as well as a company that is easy to work with.
EAG was great at staying on task. Quentin was very conscientious and cognizant of staying on time. The Needs Analysis was really helpful, but it is made up of meetings, discussion, and a lot of information going back and forth, so it was nice that Quentin was so careful with his time.
Cost was a big part of our decision making too. We needed someone who wouldn’t cost an arm and a leg.
We looked at working with other companies, but I got the feeling that they would have possibly tried to drag it out in order to make more money. As a company that doesn’t have the budget to spend tons of money on this, I was very appreciative to see how efficient Quentin was with our time and resources.
I could always rely on them to communicate and document well, cross all their T’s and dot all their I’s. It freed me up to do my job and not have to spend as much time managing the project. It was comforting to know that they were on top of things, and I didn’t have to micromanage at all.
Overall, EAG was very thorough. There were a lot of pieces to our puzzle that needed to be streamlined and automated. A lot of those pieces are outside of my responsibilities, so I was able to learn a lot in the process and get a better picture of what kind of things needed to be fixed to make this machine run smoother.