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Has Your Business Outgrown QuickBooks?

Thursday, February 13th @ 12:00 pm MST

Intuit’s QuickBooks is a popular accounting solution for small businesses across a variety of industries. However, rapid business expansion and increasing reporting requirements may signal the need for a more robust ERP platform. As your business is becoming more complex why shouldn’t you look at upgrading your Accounting Software? On this episode of The ERP Advisor Podcast, hear from ERP expert Shawn Windle on what to do when you outgrow QuickBooks.

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Kaylee, Zach, Q

How Legacy ERP Could Harm Your Business

Thursday, March 13th @ 12:00 pm MDT

Is your legacy ERP harming your business? Some legacy ERPs rely on outdated hardware and software which can leave you vulnerable to risks like cybersecurity threats.

Most legacy ERPs find that developers who support their product are disappearing from the workforce and not being replaced with newer resources. Still other businesses find their legacy ERP is unstable and prone to crashing, runs slowly, and does not integrate to other critical systems like eCommerce and EDI.

Replacing your legacy ERP can be a daunting task, but the independent ERP consultants at ERP Advisors Group want you to know you’re not alone. On this episode of The ERP Advisor, ERP expert, Shawn Windle, will discuss the risks versus benefits of remaining on your legacy ERP.


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Aidan, Noemi, Carly Stock

What To Do When You Outgrow Your Accounting Software

1.0 CPE Credit Available

Thursday, March 20th @ 12:00 pm MDT

Businesses around the world rely on accounting software such as Xero, QuickBooks and Sage 50 to grow their businesses. Successful businesses commonly leverage other point solutions outside of accounting for Sales, Purchasing, Services, Manufacturing and Distribution. However, the pain points from manual workarounds and silos of data make it apparent that disjointed systems may limit the company’s ability to grow.
What do successful businesses do who eventually outgrow their accounting software? On this episode of The ERP Advisor, Shawn Windle, Founder & Managing Principal of ERP Advisors group, will advise financial executives on how to take the leap from an accounting and best of breed software environment to a shiny new ERP.

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Hannah Stock

What to Do When Your Software Reaches End of Life

Thursday, April 24th @ 12:00 pm MDT

Legacy ERP software end-of-life can create confusion about the best path forward for your business’s ERP. Options may include upgrading your current software, migrating to the vendor’s newest product, or selecting an entirely new solution. Defining what is best for your company and its actual needs will ensure you make the right decision.
An independent ERP consultant can assess your current processes, advise on your vendor’s recommended upgrade path, and compare that to other viable solutions. Tune into this episode of The ERP Advisor to hear from ERP Expert Shawn Windle on options to consider when your ERP Vendor announces your software is coming to its end of life.

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Noemi and Carly

Why Should You Hire an ERP Selection Consultant

Thursday, May 15th @ 12:00 pm MDT

There are 1000 ways to get your ERP Selection wrong, so how can you ensure you get yours right? Successful businesses lean on ERP selection consultants to guide their needs analysis and software evaluation.

An advisor can make sure you are absolutely certain you select the right software and implementation services for your company. Selecting the wrong software may waste valuable resources – not just time and money but disruption and delays can cause a sponsor to lose credibility with executives and stakeholders. The wrong decision can even lead to getting fired!

Tune in to this episode of The ERP Advisor, where Shawn Windle will outline why you should hire an ERP selection consultant.


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