Shawn Windle's Review of CloudWorld 2022

This year's CloudWorld, Oracle's annual customer conference, occurred between October 17th and 20th. ERP Advisors Group's Founder & Managing Principal, Shawn Windle, attended the conference to gather deep insights into the enhancements and product offerings being delivered by Oracle in 2022. Below, Mr. Windle reviews his experiences at CloudWorld 2022 and provides key takeaways from the conference.


This year's CloudWorld, Oracle's annual customer conference, occurred between October 17th and 20th. ERP Advisors Group's Founder & Managing Principal, Shawn Windle, attended the conference to gather deep insights into the enhancements and product offerings being delivered by Oracle in 2022. Below, Mr. Windle reviews his experiences at CloudWorld 2022 and provides key takeaways from the conference.



About ERP Advisors Group


ERP Advisors Group only provides software advisory services. Our consultants only work on enterprise software selections and implementations. Therefore, they are experts in conducting software selections and know the pitfalls to avoid as they guide our clients to a successful go-live. You will find our consultants care deeply about your project and are vested as much as you are in making it a success. Ultimately, we will do just about anything to make sure you are a success!

ERP Advisors Group was founded by Shawn Windle in 2010. He helped develop the technology practice at the largest accounting firm in Denver from 2004 - 2010 by offering Needs Analysis and Selection projects. But Shawn saw that clients were struggling during their implementations, even though they selected the right software. The firm’s partners were too averse to the risk of losing tax and audit business from a risky implementation. Thus, ERP Advisors Group was born with the purpose to provide Client-Side Implementation Services.

We take responsibility for the decisions we help our clients make during the Selection phase by staying on for their implementation, ensuring they go live with their new software.

Download our free company brochure for more information about EAG.