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What Businesses Get Wrong During Their ERP Implementation

ERP implementation is all too easy to get wrong, even when the solution is right. Unfortunately, traps are hidden along the road to a successful go-live and even the most well-intentioned projects can fall victim to major ERP mistakes. In this episode of The ERP Advisor, Shawn Windle uncovers what businesses get wrong during their ERP implementations to guide project sponsors back to the path of ERP success.

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How to Staff Your ERP Implementation

Thursday, August 15th @ 12:00 pm MDT

ERP implementation success depends on the resources available to ensure the project goes off without a hitch. However, it can be impractical to pull people away from their day jobs to devote 20+ hours to ERP efforts. Is it possible for a business to staff its ERP implementation for success without sacrificing normal business operations? And how can they keep resources engaged throughout the entire process? Join ERP Advisors Group on August 15th where Shawn Windle will divulge the secrets to staffing your ERP implementation for success, without compromising business as usual.

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